We’re excited to spotlight some of our BTC2019 teachers this year, and today, we’d like to introduce you to Jon KeepKey. Jon will be teaching “Hardware Wallets and the Web.” If you purchased a ticket during our flash sale where you received a free KeepKey hardware wallet, this is the perfect course to learn more about it! Check out our chat with Jon to learn more:
How did you get involved in your subject area & why are you passionate about teaching it?
I’ve been an avid subscriber to the Let’s Talk Bitcoin podcast since the beginning. I think self-sovereign finance is the key to freedom, and teaching the technology underpinning it is one of the best ways to spread the word.
Why do you think certifications and standards are important in the blockchain industry today?
Standards are important for interoperability, no matter what discipline they’re applied to. In the blockchain industry, interoperability is paramount, since blockchains are nothing without the network of people and systems built around them. Industries that standardize interfaces and best practices tend to thrive.
Why have you decided to teach a session at #BTC2019?
I want to get good security into the hands of everyone. Integrating hardware wallets into every dapp provides the best protection against online attacks, and strengthens the life-blood of the ecosystem: its users. Dapp developers are at the front-lines of this battle, so training them up on using the best tooling for the job is, the best way to “spread the good word”, so to speak.
We’re looking forward to attending Jon’s master class at BTC2019! Make sure to join us by getting your tickets here.