
Michael is the Chief Information Security Officer of, the leading non-custodial platform for managing digital assets. Michael also serves as the President of C4, having co-founded the non-profit organization in 2014. Michael is an information security expert with over a decade of experience in performing digital forensic examinations, cyber investigations, and incident response post-mortems. Michael helped co-author the CryptoCurrency Security Standard (CCSS) and his work has secured hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bitcoin, ether, and other cryptocurrencies. Michael is a regular speaker in the blockchain conference circuit, and enjoys finding new ways to break things.

Course Title
Introduction to the CryptoCurrency Security Standard

Course Description
The CryptoCurrency Security Standard (CCSS) is a security standard that helps secure all information systems that make use of cryptocurrencies. This course is an introductory high level overview of what comprises the CCSS and how information systems can benefit and become more secure.

You will leave with an understanding of what comprises the CryptoCurrency Security Standard (CCSS) and why this standard is valuable in the cryptocurrency industry.