Dr. Stefan Beyer is the CEO of Cryptonics Consulting, a blockchain-specific spin-off of a large cybersecurity company. He is an experienced distributed systems researcher with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Manchester, specialising in smart contract audits. He has audited the smart contracts of more than 25 large blockchain projects and identified many critical security vulnerabilities.

Course Title
Smart Contract Development – Security and Best Practice

Course Description
Smart contract development is not trivial and security issues are common. As smart contracts usually hold value, are publicly readable and cannot be modified after deployment, they are a very attractive target for cyber attacks and millions are lost every year to smart contract vulnerabilities.

In this workshop, you will learn common best practices for smart contract development, using Ethereum as the underlying platform. You will also become familiar with a number of known vulnerabilities and present tools  and methodologies for auditing smart contracts.